The Plot Summary:
"Romeo and Juliet" opens with a prologue introducing the setting backstory and plot of the play.
The setting is Verona Italy.
The backstory is the two rival families: the Montagues and Capulets have been the cause of recent violence in Verona.
The plot is that two children of the families Romeo and Juliet will fall in love but by the play's end will commit suicide.
Actions begin with the servants from the households exchanging insults and fighting in the streets. The Lords of the households arrive and pull out their swords to fight just then the Prince arrives and declares their feud illegal. We are introduced to Romeo Montague who is lamenting his unrequited love for Roz alive. His friend tells Romeo they'll find another girl for him meanwhile. Juliet learns that she has a suitor the young count Paris the Capulets are hosting a masquerade ball where Paris and Juliet can meet Romeo Benvolio and Mercutio sneak into the ball and Romeo falls in love with Juliet. Juliet's cousin Tybalt finds out Romeo is there and wants to fight him but Lord Capulet tells him no. Romeo and Juliet flirt and kiss after the party Romeo sneaks into the Capulet orchard where he and Juliet declare their love, they decide to get married and the next morning Friar Laurence secretly marries them. Later that day Thibault challenges Romeo to a duel but he refuses. Mercutio defends Romeo's honor and is killed by Thibault.
In the climax, Romeo kills Thibault. The prince enters and banishes Romeo from Verona. Before leaving Verona, Romeo and Juliet consummate their marriage, and the next morning Romeo leaves for Mantua. Lord Capulet enters Juliet's room to tell her she is marrying Paris, but she rejects his command and he threatens to disown her. In the falling action, she goes to Friar Laurence who devises a plan for her to take a potion that will her seemed dead, and when she wakes, she and Romeo can run off together. She returns home and fakes obedience to her father, she drinks the poison. The family and Paris find her seemingly dead. Romeo hears news of Juliet's death before receiving the Friar's letter describing the plan to him. He comes to her tomb and Paris confronts him, but Romeo kills Paris. Romeo finds Juliet seemingly dead and kills himself with poison. Juliet wakes up finds Romeo dead and stabs herself with his dagger.
During the resolution, the heartbroken families find the dead youths and decide to end their feud.
Thank you so much for this wonderful summary
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