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Word classes, Words - El Mutaalim Academy _ اكاديمية المتعلم

Introduction to Word Classes:

Words are essential elements in every sentence. A word also can be defined as a string of letters with whitespaces before and after.

In sense a word is a minimally sized chunk of sound that has its own meaning and can be swapped out of others. we will figure out these together in the following sentence: 

                   My sister drives a small truck.

Here we see that the two words Sister and Truck belong to the same type of words, but the words Sister and Drives are not the same type of words. In summary, the two words '' Sister/Truck'' belong to the same word class. Whereas the other two words ''Sister/drives belong to different word class.

those following classes are the Major word classes: 

  1.          Verbs: eat _ go_ drive _ look ...
  2.          Noun: Father _ Truck _ Fance _ Alex
  3. Determiner: a _ an _ The _ my
  4.    Adjective: small _ happy _ big
  5.       Adverb: soon _ there _ recently
  6. Preposition: at _ in _ of _ with
  7. Conjunction: but _ if _ or

