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Prefixes and Suffixes - El Mutaalim Academy _ اكاديمية المتعلم

Affixation (Prefixes and Suffixes)


     A prefix is an affix added before the word. Adding it to the beginning of a word to change it into another word.
     Especially in the study of languages, a prefix is additionally called a preformative, in light of the fact that it changes the type of words to which it is attached. Prefixes, as other joins, can be either inflectional, making another type of the word with a similar essential significance and same lexical classification (yet assuming an alternate part in the sentence), or derivational, making another word with another semantic importance and at times additionally an alternate lexical class. 
   In English there are no inflectional prefixes; English uses suffixes rather for that reason. Prefixes, similar to any remaining appends, are generally bound morphemes.

            Un  : _ Unhappy _ Unreal _Unexpected _ Uniqual _ Unsure
            In   : _ Incorrect _ Inactive _ Inappropriate _ Invisible _ Injustice 
            Im  : _ Impolite _ Imperfect _ Impossible
            Ir    : _ Irregular _Irresponsible _ Irrelevant 
           Dis  : _ Disconnect _ Disorder _ Dislike _ disagree
           Mis : _ Mispronunce _ Mislead _ Misunderstanding


     A Suffix is an affix that is placed after the word. Adding it to the end of one word to change it into another word. 

   1. Actions: 
          _ ment : Advertisement 
          _ ity     :   Possibility 
         _ hood  : Neighbourhood
         _ ness  : Sickness
         _ ship  : Friendship
 2. Adjectives :
        _ ive : Sensitive
        _ al   : Political
        _ ous : Generous
        _ ful  : Beautiful
        _ less : Useless
 3. Verbs : 
        _ ify : Simplify 
        _ ate : Dictate 
        _ ise(ize) : Sensitise 
